3 Reasons Why Dubai’s Real Estate Market Is Booming

3 Reasons Why Dubai’s Real Estate Market Is Booming

In the recent past, We have seen a lot of transfer of wealth happening based on geographical migrations from the more volatile regions to the safer regions and Dubai has stood out as being one of the safest and most innovative cities in the world.

Due to its business-friendly focus, A lot of investors have invested heavily in setting up businesses in the city and also ventured into the real estate market which has always had a world-class reputation. 

Ever since the real estate industry opened up to everyone in the early 2000s, The amount of construction has grown at an astonishing rate and the future vision of the city in 2040 is gearing up toward making Dubai into one of the most desirable cities to live in the world. 

There are several more reasons for Dubai’s real estate market booming, let’s look at them in a bit more detail.

A large number of foreign investors


There has been a high influx of foreign investors coming into the Dubai market post covid as the procedures and safety protocols displayed here have been world-class. 

The government’s initiative was always to ensure that the safety of the people isn’t compromised but a proactive approach is used to ensure that business and all related activities were conducted to the maximum possible potential.

This encouraged a lot of wealthy global investors to either move families over to Dubai or to buy real estate here in the case of any instability in their home country or globally as they see Dubai now as one of the safest places to be. 

New Visa Policies

Dubai has introduced a lot of long-term solutions for investors, entrepreneurs, and prominent people within their professions to move to Dubai with a golden visa which allows them to stay in Dubai for 10 years and to conduct their business with ease. 

Initial investors were not sure of the long-term situation of staying in Dubai since you would need a valid visa to stay long term and either need to be employed or have your business but now if you are a real estate owner with a property worth more than 2 million dirhams, You don’t have to worry about having a job-related visa but you can qualify for a golden visa as a real estate investor.

 This creates a sense of stability and assurance for investors to feel free and invest in the real estate market here.

Attractive offering by lenders

With the boom of the real estate market, There are a lot of offerings in the market of properties with various different types of options including budget-friendly townhouses to multi-million dollar mansions. 

In order to be competitive, A lot of banks and developers are offering payment plans that are not only allowing investors to enter the market at a competitive price but also on terms that stretch payments on a longer duration that allow an easier entry into the market.

Either be it a 10/90 payment plan or rent to own, You are likely to find a lot of different options to fit an investor’s budget or even for end users to be able to find a dream home in Dubai.

In summary, The Dubai real estate market has one of the best offerings in terms of inventory and perhaps one of the best payment plan options. 

The potential real estate returns are still attractive for a lot of investors who are not only looking for a strong ROI but also a place to call home for their families. 

Goyzer technology being a property management software Dubai-based solution is best positioned to help investors to manage their properties remotely whether they are in Dubai or abroad.

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